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Hudson Valley Montessori School

where children soar

Hudson Valley Montessori School

where children soar

Hudson Valley Montessori School

where children soar

Applications for 2024 are now being accepted on a rolling basis.

Our Mission

“Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.” – W.B. Yeats

Our mission at Hudson Valley Montessori School is to imbue our student community with a joy and eagerness for learning, cultivating and supporting each child’s natural curiosity before it ever has a chance to dim. We strive to provide key experiences and academics that support a lifelong love of knowledge and learning, and work to help each child discover their gifts.

HVMS believes that we grow stronger through community, and that self-confidence is the key to success in academic achievement, creative expression, personal happiness and the discipline to improve. We champion the ability of all people to collaborate and to help others through cooperative work. We support the ability to recognize and value each individual’s unique strengths and talents. We model a sense of responsibility towards each other and our environment, and strive to advance these ideals within an educational setting, providing appropriate adult role models and a supportive, joyous atmosphere conducive to learning.

HVMS Pillars

Each year HVMS will create a learning environment aligned with its mission by building upon the following pillars:


A comprehensive Montessori education is provided, where a meaningful, child-centered curriculum unfolds to meet each child where they are, and challenges them to grow beyond their current limits by presenting structure, reachable goals, clear expectations, and tireless encouragement.


Discipline at HVMS has nothing to do with rigid rules or cowing to authority figures. Discipline is not external, but internal. Discipline is a choice we make to learn, practice, and apply ourselves to a task or goal in efforts to improve.  Our classrooms show discipline when low voices are used inside, when walking indoors, when waiting until everyone has a seat before eating. Self-control shows discipline, and we practice by being mindful and kind to all in our community, making and keeping commitments, and respecting the ideas and beliefs of others.

Prepared Environment

Learning is an individual process of discovery and engagement. Our classrooms and community spaces are filled with beautifully made Montessori materials, comfortable child-sized furniture, meaningful artwork, and interactive lessons that captivate and inspire deeper learning. Shelf work and manipulatives are carefully curated, and change regularly throughout the year in order to pique interest and support learning objectives.


We base our relationships with children and their families upon trust, mutual respect and open communication. We are an inclusive community, and model responsibility for self and others in age-appropriate ways. Thoughtful conduct and the development of independence are at the forefront of classroom activities.

Hudson Valley Montessori School

877 Route 17M, Suite B
Middletown, NY 10940


Hours of Operation
Monday: 8:30 AM – 3:15 PM
Tuesday: 8:30 AM – 3:15 PM
Wednesday: 8:30 AM – 3:15 PM
Thursday: 8:30 AM – 3:15 PM