Applications & Busing Forms
Application 2024
After the parent/guardian tour of the school and informational interview, an application for admission may be submitted. Please fill out the application and submit with a $100 non-refundable application fee, payable by check or Venmo. Once your application is reviewed, we will be in touch to schedule a student interview with the classroom teacher and director of HVMS.
Upon Acceptance, Follow the Steps Below to Complete the Enrollment
Step 1
Sign and submit an Enrollment Contract, along with a one-time, non-refundable $300 registration fee and $100 materials fee. These are paid through FACTS.
Step 2
Create an online FACTS Tuition Management account (Required-all students).

Busing Transportation Forms
Application forms are available from your busing district, and must be completed and returned to your public school Transportation department by March 31, 2024. Families with children eligible for transportation need to register with their local public school district in order to apply for transportation. Your child must be 5 years or older in order to be eligible.
- Middletown
- Minisink
- Goshen
- Florida
- Chester
- Valley Central
- Pine Bush
- Port Jervis